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Whitton Farm Veggie CSA - HALF SHARE


We've operated a CSA for 7 years in Memphis, Tn.,& have 12 years of vegetable, fruit, herb & cut flower farming under our belts.
Our farm is located 30 miles from Downtown Memphis.
We use zero synthetic herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers on our crops.

​Whitton Farms CSA Pick Up will be held at the
Memphis Farmers Market, & Trolley Stop Market.
50 CSA shares are available this growing season, & are secured on a first come, first serve basis.

Half Share CSA Sack = $20.00 a week, for 17 weeks
(May – August) = $340.00

A HALF Share is great for a couple with a mixed diet.
A single person eats a predominately veggie based diet.

In a typical HALF CSA share will include (depending on the season)
1 quart of strawberries
1 bunch of carrots
1 bunch of radishes
1 heads of lettuce
1 bunch of kale
1 bunch of Swiss Chard
1 herb medley bunch